We need to be careful to guard our hearts and make sure that God is the only one who owns our hearts. It is easy to slowly let other people and books become as important to us as God and the Bible. There are so many amazing christian leaders like John Piper, Francis Chan, Singclair Furgeson, CJ Mahaney, John Piper, Beth Moore, Mark Driscoll etc... the list goes on. These people are a gift from God, and a means of grace, but as awesome as they are we must be careful never to confuse their teachings, doctrines and books with God and his words. I love John Piper and I listen to his messages often and have read many of his books and as helpful and packed full of truth as they are I know that Piper would never want me to confuse his words with God's. We must not let the words of christian leaders become our truth, God's words is the sole basis of truth. These leaders are meant to be catalysts in helping you to think and teaching you, but ultimately they should be pointing you back to God's word and drawing you into the Bible, NEVER replacing it, because once we hold someone's words with the same weight as God's and see them as just as valuable than it is a slippery slope. Listening to God following his word should be of primary importance, not
listening to a theologian or learning about their new revelation.Soon that person maybe be the one who is leading your heart instead of God. just like what happened to the Israelites when Absalom led them astray.
The Free Project
God wrecked my heart while I was in South Asia this summer, and I couldn't help but take action, follow his commandment to "act justly and love mercy"
So that is how the Free Project was born it is a movement of college students to help bring an end to human trafficking and modern day slavery worldwide!
Yours truly...

I love...
anything orange,
my crazy family,
long walks,
coffee dates,
& star gazing
But the most important part of me is that I love Jesus a whole lot! This is my adventure in striving to be steadfast through the grace of God and seeking to glorify my savior on this journey called life!
Quote of the Week:
"Everything in your life may be out of your control, but your life is not out of control, because it is ruled by your wise and loving Savior."
-Paul David Tripp
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