Recently I've been learning to see God in the everyday moments of my life, because he's there, but too often I miss him! However, the other day God really blessed and provided for me in a small, but meaningful way. I broke my iPod touch (dropped it on the driveway and the screen cracked). So i obviously needed a new one unless I wanted to be constantly cutting my finger on glass, but with getting ready for college I don't really have the money to buy a new i was looking at used ones online and I found a couple that I liked, they are still a little expensive, but I had enough extra graduation money to make it work. But then I noticed that people were selling iPods with cracked screens as well! I thought hmm....maybe i'll sell my old iPod so that I can get a new iPod. So I put mine up for sale and within 4hours it had SOLD! It was crazy! I got almost enough money from my broken iPod to buy a new one! :) AND on top of that, the same night I was able to buy a new iPod and it was even in the color that I had wanted (the new white iPod touch)! It was so neat to see how God provided for me in such a little way. To see how he cares about the little cares and desires of our hearts and how he seeks to bless us! I want to learn to continue to see God in little moments like these and be grateful and amazed and I watch him provide for and bless me! God is so good and too often I neglect to see how he is working in my life! So grateful for a God who not only cares about the big important things of my life, but also the little insignificant ones like an iPod.
Importance of Christ's Life
“For by the on man’s disobedience the many were made
sinners. So by one man’s obedience…many will be made righteous.” Romans 5:19
Christ’s perfect life and obedience was important. His
obedience included a life in which he obeyed God’s law in all things at all
times. Every day was perfect. Our savior lived in perfect alignment with God’s
will and law.
Jerry Bridges says it well:
the most part Jesus’s life of perfect obedience has
seen only as a necessary precondition to his death.
truth is, however, Jesus not only died for us, He also lived for us.
That is, all that Christ did both in his life and
did in our place as our substitute.”
We as humans have double guilt.
We have the inherited guilt from Adam and then on top of that our own guilt and
debt to condemn us. Jesus came and took care of the problem of the debt that we
Even the absence of sin is not a
ticket to an audience with God. We need more than a removal of guilt we need a
savior who can give us the perfection that we can never attain. An absence of
sin seems impressive compared to the dirt in our hearts, but God requires much
more than a blank slate, he requires righteousness and perfection.
The death of Christ is what removed
our debt and returned us to a balance of zero, while Christ’s obedience is what
put unimaginable wealth in our bank account; it is because of Christ’s life and
perfect obedience that we are granted perfect righteousness before God
Justification by faith alone
means that we’re justified by the works of Christ alone.
So yes we should be very grateful
for Christ’s death on the cross, but we need to be just as grateful for his
obedient life as well!
Don't replace God's word
"Absalam stole the hearts of the people of Israel." 2 Samuel 15:6
We need to be careful to guard our hearts and make sure that God is the only one who owns our hearts. It is easy to slowly let other people and books become as important to us as God and the Bible. There are so many amazing christian leaders like John Piper, Francis Chan, Singclair Furgeson, CJ Mahaney, John Piper, Beth Moore, Mark Driscoll etc... the list goes on. These people are a gift from God, and a means of grace, but as awesome as they are we must be careful never to confuse their teachings, doctrines and books with God and his words. I love John Piper and I listen to his messages often and have read many of his books and as helpful and packed full of truth as they are I know that Piper would never want me to confuse his words with God's. We must not let the words of christian leaders become our truth, God's words is the sole basis of truth. These leaders are meant to be catalysts in helping you to think and teaching you, but ultimately they should be pointing you back to God's word and drawing you into the Bible, NEVER replacing it, because once we hold someone's words with the same weight as God's and see them as just as valuable than it is a slippery slope. Listening to God following his word should be of primary importance, not
listening to a theologian or learning about their new revelation.Soon that person maybe be the one who is leading your heart instead of God. just like what happened to the Israelites when Absalom led them astray.
Weekend Quote
"the role of the beauty of the gospel is: to be the object our affections, the purpose of our identity, the reality of our existence, and the joy of our salvation. It draws us in like a beautiful sunset, puts God’s glory on display, and challenges us to realign everything. In discipleship, we are simply pointing people to its beauty, asking them to find happiness there."
Jason Garwood
Jason Garwood
Worship music is an amazing gift from God to be able to praise him and enjoying listening to the beauty
of the music as the truth penetrates your heart, but we need to be wary of the lyrics. Just because they are "christian" and the song is being played on a Christian radio station doesn't mean that everything in the song is right. I have a habit of just singing along to songs and not even realizing what I'm saying and then all of sudden I stop and am like "whoa is that really what this song is saying?"
That happened to me the other day except this time it was a Christian song and as the chorus was playing it says "I want to believe, Jesus help me believe that I am someone worth dying for."

I was getting all into the song and then I thought about it for a minute and was like wait a minute! This isn't right. Because you see, I'm not someone worth dying for. I am a wrethced sinner who despised and rejected God and rebelled against him. No matter how hard I try even my best deeds are like filthy fags! I'm selfish and prideful, I want everything to be about me and I want to be the ruler of my life. Does this sound like someone worth dying for? You know what? I'm even way worse then I could even imagine (that's pretty bad). The Bible says that we don't even know the sinfulness of our own hearts. that's how bad it is. If that's the case, I am not even close to being someone "worth dying for"! In fact it's the opposite, I should die!
“None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” Romans 3:9-12
But you see this is the whole beauty of the gospel. Because we are so sinful and wicked yet Christ still loved us enough to come and save us. You see if I was "good" and Christ saved me, then it wouldn't be so amazing now would it? Because I would have in a sense deserved Christ's sacrifice. and I would have felt like I had earned it through my "goodness", but because we didn't deserve Christ's sacrafice for us in the least bit that's what makes it so astounding! That is what shows you the depth of his love for you, so no you may not have been worth dying for, but that didn't stop God from lavishing his amazing love and undeserved grace on you! Revel in the beauty of the cross today!
Romans 5:7-8 - For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
of the music as the truth penetrates your heart, but we need to be wary of the lyrics. Just because they are "christian" and the song is being played on a Christian radio station doesn't mean that everything in the song is right. I have a habit of just singing along to songs and not even realizing what I'm saying and then all of sudden I stop and am like "whoa is that really what this song is saying?"
That happened to me the other day except this time it was a Christian song and as the chorus was playing it says "I want to believe, Jesus help me believe that I am someone worth dying for."

I was getting all into the song and then I thought about it for a minute and was like wait a minute! This isn't right. Because you see, I'm not someone worth dying for. I am a wrethced sinner who despised and rejected God and rebelled against him. No matter how hard I try even my best deeds are like filthy fags! I'm selfish and prideful, I want everything to be about me and I want to be the ruler of my life. Does this sound like someone worth dying for? You know what? I'm even way worse then I could even imagine (that's pretty bad). The Bible says that we don't even know the sinfulness of our own hearts. that's how bad it is. If that's the case, I am not even close to being someone "worth dying for"! In fact it's the opposite, I should die!
“None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” Romans 3:9-12
Romans 5:7-8 - For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Grateful for my Life :)
I am blessed beyond measure! I seriously LOVE my life! God is soo good and blesses me in so many ways! This past weekend was such an awesome reminder of this! :)
First off I got to come up and see my favoritest Bekah and be there to celebrate her 18th Birthday! I love this girl so much and am so glad I was able to be there for her special day!
Then I got to meet my roommate! She is simply the bestest! I love her already and can't believe how similar we are it's crazy, we could totally be twins haha! Can't wait to live with you Haley and have tons of adventures with you! :) So grateful God matched us up together, crazy how well it worked out!
First off I got to come up and see my favoritest Bekah and be there to celebrate her 18th Birthday! I love this girl so much and am so glad I was able to be there for her special day!

Then I got to meet my roommate! She is simply the bestest! I love her already and can't believe how similar we are it's crazy, we could totally be twins haha! Can't wait to live with you Haley and have tons of adventures with you! :) So grateful God matched us up together, crazy how well it worked out!
Then I got to be with my amazing Amsterz! This girl is simply amazing and I love and appreciate her friendship more then she will ever know! Thanks for keeping in touch with me even though we live so far away from eachother! I love you and I thank God for you! :)
I also got to see some of my awesome OB girls! Caroline, Emma and Amanda yep
I love you girls & i'm glad that we played cards like old ladies haha :P
Breakfast with the Amsterz and our Katita! 3 hours of amazingness
Last but not least I had the wonderful oppertunity of helping with a artshow to raise money for
TWLOHA which is an awesome organization that helps teens who struggle with depress, addiction
self-injury and suicide. & I got to meet these awesome people from Amy's church
(UA Grace)
Yes soo this past week was one of lots of laughs, memories and fun! I am so grateful to God for the amazing friendships that he has placed in my life and for allowing me to spend time with some of my favorite people int the world! God is so good to me! He had blessed me beyond measure and I have so much
to be grateful for!
So that's what I've been up to lately :)
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and his court with praise. Be thankful to him and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endures to all generations." Psalm 100:4-5 |
The "Unforgivable" Sin
Do you want your tombstone to say that you were a "good moral human in society?" Or do you want it to say that your life was hard, it was messy, but you spent it loving God and serving others?"
You know the power is out when...
This weekend my family was part of the 2million who lost power due to the crazy storm!
You know you have no power when....
-The basement was full of sleeping supplies (as that was the only place cool enough to be able to sleep in)
-The floor in our living room is covered in cords & plugs as everyone took turns to try and charge their phones, and get some relief with a couple of fans
-You walk out the front door and instead of hearing the sound of birds chirping and kids playing you hear the
rumbling and roaring of generators running
-Everyone goes to bed early since there's not much you can do in the dark
-You have a pile of 30 dead batteries from all the lanterns and flashlights
-everyone crowds around a laptop to watch a movie
-watching the news is exciting to everyone
-getting in the car feels amazing because it actually has AC
-it actually feels better outside because of the breeze then in your house
-you have a bowl of dry cereal for breakfast, because you can't open the fridge to get the milk
-you actually want to take a freezing cold shower, to cool down for even a few minutes
-a minute after you get out of the shower you're already starting to sweat again
-you stop turning light switches on when you go into rooms
-candles & flashlights are your best friends
-you have unexpected family time & get to chill at your brothers house (that's the good part)!
But as fun as this weekend's adventure was...I'm VERY grateful that we now have our power back!
Including our wonderful AC! :)))
You know you have no power when....
-The basement was full of sleeping supplies (as that was the only place cool enough to be able to sleep in)
-The floor in our living room is covered in cords & plugs as everyone took turns to try and charge their phones, and get some relief with a couple of fans
-You walk out the front door and instead of hearing the sound of birds chirping and kids playing you hear the
rumbling and roaring of generators running
-Everyone goes to bed early since there's not much you can do in the dark
-You have a pile of 30 dead batteries from all the lanterns and flashlights
-everyone crowds around a laptop to watch a movie
-watching the news is exciting to everyone
-getting in the car feels amazing because it actually has AC
-it actually feels better outside because of the breeze then in your house
-you have a bowl of dry cereal for breakfast, because you can't open the fridge to get the milk
-you actually want to take a freezing cold shower, to cool down for even a few minutes
-a minute after you get out of the shower you're already starting to sweat again
-you stop turning light switches on when you go into rooms
-candles & flashlights are your best friends
-you have unexpected family time & get to chill at your brothers house (that's the good part)!
Passing the time by playing a game of monopoly
Everyone crowded around watching a movie on the laptop
and trying to get some breeze from the fan
But as fun as this weekend's adventure was...I'm VERY grateful that we now have our power back!
Including our wonderful AC! :)))
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The Free Project
God wrecked my heart while I was in South Asia this summer, and I couldn't help but take action, follow his commandment to "act justly and love mercy"
So that is how the Free Project was born it is a movement of college students to help bring an end to human trafficking and modern day slavery worldwide!
Yours truly...

I love...
anything orange,
my crazy family,
long walks,
coffee dates,
& star gazing
But the most important part of me is that I love Jesus a whole lot! This is my adventure in striving to be steadfast through the grace of God and seeking to glorify my savior on this journey called life!
Quote of the Week:
"Everything in your life may be out of your control, but your life is not out of control, because it is ruled by your wise and loving Savior."
-Paul David Tripp
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