It only happens once a year!

(ignore the bad quality)
I am one very blessed girl! Today is my birthday here's a list of things that made my birthday extra happy! :)

1) i woke up at 12:03 to a birthday text from my big brother!

2) got to spend extra time with God

3) started the morning with a text from my favoritest snaps

4) was greeted at school with a big birthday hug from my sarahbearah

5) opened my locker to find a sweet b-day card

6)tons of birthday texts and wall posts

7) all of my classes were extra short today :P

8) picture day

9) amazing chapel!

10) I got a hug from my sister

11) writing with my favorite pen

12) my mom brought me lunch to school

13) got the bestest balloon

14) only got 1 wrong on my AP U.S chapter

15) got to clean my room

16) family time

17) my marine is home

18) wearing my favorite dress

19) dinner at Unos

20) no math homework

21) it rained ( i love the rain)

God has truly blessed me! I do not deserve it! Today reminded me just how many people love and care for me! I love all of you so much and I have the bestest friends and family! & all the undeserving grace God has poured out on me! God has given me the best birthday present by showing me more of himself. I can't wait to follow God's plan and see what he has in store for me this year! :) Let's get started!

God First!

Wow sorry for the lack of posting! But life has been crazzzy!

Anyways I just wanted to start off by saying that God is SO good and he knows just what we need!

In case any of you didn't know spending time with God is the most important thing you can do in a day, and should be your top priority. However, with so many things crammed into our schedule (school, volleyball, drama, youth group etc), it can be hard to keep it a priority and set aside time to read God's word and pray. These past two weeks have been quite a challenge for me in having my devotions, I would get home at 8pm have lots AND lots of homework to do and then by the time I finish it all I'm exhausted & go to bed. Then I get up, get ready and go to school and the cycle continues. But last night was different, I still got home around 8pm and started my homework & I said that I was going to go upstairs and have my devotions once I finished up all my homework, but then at 11pm I was tired and I still had to study for my AP test...I sat there a minute and I realized what was happening I have been putting my school before God and that is not okay. I decided to go spend time with God instead of studying and then I just reviewed a little in the morning. Spending time with God was exactly what I needed that night and it helped me SO much! I had been so stressed out because I hadn't been relying on God. But the story doesn't end there? Do you know what happened? I took my AP US test at school and I ended up getting the SAME grade on it as I did my last test that I spent an hour studying for! Do you realize how awesome that is? God was showing me that he will bless me when I put him above everything else and that he is really ALL that I need! Now I'm not saying to ignore your homework and spend all night reading the bible (although that would be nice). But God should always be put first and is always more important than school. It's something that I still struggle with, but I think it is awesome how God has such perfect timing and knows exactly what we need to be encouraged and reminded of!
Sorry for the long story, but hopefully it encouraged you! :)

hopefully more posts will be coming soon & pictures too!

random thoughts

Sometimes I sit here and wonder...

Why is it so hard to do the things that are most important? Why is it so hard to do something that I love so much?
I love God's word and digging into it and seeing the new things that he teaches me & the way that it feeds my soul...but why is it so hard for me to find time to read God's word? To just stop in the business of life and seek God and his word! To be in constant communion with my savior.

Why is it that I love God and say that I trust Him above all else...yet when troubles come why is he not the first person that I run to? And why is he not the first person that I praise and thank?

These are questions that I wonder about!

Dear Jesus! Please help me to put you above all else
and to make you the most important thing in my life!
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