I always love back-to-school shopping! Getting all your notebooks and supplies, color coordinating, getting fun pens & pencils, everything is fresh and new and then you get to organize it all! I just love it, but this year it is different, because this year it is....
The beginning of the End....
Tomorrow marks the first day of school for me, I will be a senior!
This will be my last first day of school!

It's bittersweet, I'm so excited to reach the end of what I've worked so hard for since I was 5yr to graduate high school, but at the same time it's sad knowing that I will be leaving behind so many friends and memories and all that I've known! The fact that next year I will be starting something completely different and this chapter of my life will be over, is so weird to think about . I don't think I can grasp it quite yet. I'm growing up and life is changing. I'm excited for what the future holds, to go out into the world, meet new people and try new things, but I have this one last year here where God has placed me! One last year in my school, one last year with these fellow high school students, one last year to make a difference and leave a lasting impact! Will I waste this year simply longing to graduate and move on? Or will I push hard this year and invest in where God has placed me, looking to love and serve others and share my passion for God with my classmates?
I don't want to spend this year straining to look at what's ahead and longing to move on, instead I want to be content exactly where I am. I want to seek to take every opportunity that God has given me, and glorify him in all that I do!
This is my senior year and by the grace of God I am going to give it everything that I have!