Adventure day
The power of $1

The genuine smile on the old mans face as he looked me in the eye and said "thank you, thank you so much! God bless!" was worth any dollar! I know some people don't like giving homeless people money for a variety of reasons, some being that they may not really be homeless or they may just be using the money for drugs or alcohol. But how can you judge the motives of others? I feel like it's not my place to judge whether they really are needy or will use the money on the right things, I pray and hope that they will! However, my job is simply to show them Christ's love!
For the past 3 days it has been raining here in Maryland!
Most people are complaining about the damp, cold dreary weather, and all the traffic that it causes and how it coops everyone up indoors....but you know what? I may be weird, but I love the rain!
I like to look out the window and
see the raindrops falling from the sky
I like fun colored umbrellas
dancing in the raindrops and splashing in puddles
falling asleep to the sound of raindrops hitting my window
the rainbows that sometimes peek out through the clouds.
Today as I was sitting in Starbucks with my cup of coffee I was thinking about the rain as I looked through the window and it reminded me of God's blessings. When it rains I think of how God is providing for us. Without the rain the plants could not grow, we wouldn't have water or colorful flowers and grass. It reminds me of how God always provides for us even in the little details of life!
"And my God WILL supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen."
[Philippians 4:19-20]
But it got me to thinking....just like some people don't always appreciate, enjoy, or see the beauty in the rain drops, could it be that often times we don't enjoy God's blessings? Maybe he answers our prayers, but not in the way that we wanted, so we don't see His hand at work, or we forget to thank him for ALL of the amazing little blessings that he gives to each one of us every day, because there is something that we want, but haven't received yet, or we simply let his blessings be overshadowed by cares of life.
I don’t know about you, but I want to work on being more grateful for God’s blessings and seeking to enjoy all the ways that he provides for me and answers my prayers (Even if it’s not in the way that I wanted).
“Thou hast given so much to me, Give one thing more, -a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me, As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise."
-George Herbert
November :)
I've been doing such a bad job at keeping up with this blog!
Since I've last posted I've been busy with school, finishing my last volleyball season :(, drama, babysitting, youthgroup, college applications and visits and the highlight of the month my ministry team reunion!

That's a snapshot into my life....stay tuned for what God's been so graciously teaching me :)
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Quote of the Week:
"Everything in your life may be out of your control, but your life is not out of control, because it is ruled by your wise and loving Savior."
-Paul David Tripp
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