Dear friend,
Overwhelmed by the struggles of life
The pain that feels so strong that you can't breathe
The sin and brokenness that's so prevalent in this world
The to-do-list that seems to never end
The uncertainty that looms over the future
The burdens that seem too heavy to bear...
I have talked to quite a few people in the past week, and although the causes, circumstances and reasons are all very different the theme of feeling overwhelmed seemed pervasive. It's a feeling that comes all too frequently and one that everyone can understand because let's face it life is hard, it's full of curve balls and all too often it's painful and breaks your heart.
But today I want to fill your heart with hope and truth. To remind you that with every reminder of the pain that is in your heart there is a reminder of the hope and comfort that we have in Christ. That we don't have to listen to those ugly lies that try to overpower the voice of truth. The lies that tell us that it will always be this hard, or this painful, or this overwhleming. The ones that tell us that things can never change, that there will never be true joy or peace again.
My dear friend don't listen to those lies, because no matter how hard the day is, no matter what is bringing you so much heartbreak and no matter what makes today feel like it is the hardest day of your's the truth
You're going to be okay.
Your heart will find healing, peace and joy again. This is not the end of your story, and you are SO deeply loved.
Your pain is not worthless, it may be hard to see right now, but God is creating beauty out of the ashes.
Yes, it's okay for you to feel sad and hurt, but remember that it is not the end, hold on to hope. Hang on to the promises of God.
So instead of letting your heart become overwhelmed with pain and the struggles of life in this broken world, allow your heart to become overwhelmed by Jesus. To be overwhelmed by his amazing, boundless unending love, his peace that surpasses all understanding and the beautiful joy that only he can fill your heart with!