Psalm 40

"None can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them yet they are more than can be told...I have told the glad news..I have not restrained my lips..I have not hidden your deliverance with my heart, I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation. I have not concealed your faithfulness from the congregation." (psalm 40:5,9,10)

I need to live more like David did. Too often I do not proclaim or tell others of the amazing things that GOd is doing in my life. I hide the truth of the gospel and instead of rejoicing and telling others of God's amazing love I hide it and keep it to myself. Why do I not go around praising God, proclaiming his wondrous deeds and telling others about the amazing gift of the gospel? I am so selfish. I am more concerned with what others will think of me and of my own comfort, then I am about sharing the amazing gift that I have and helping others to receive it! My hands are full of the wonderful things that the Lord has done for me and I will share it with the world!


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